Man city Addis Supporters
Charity Program

A Charity Association for the Destitute and Abandoned People (CADAP) is a community-based association and non- profitable that was established in September 1997. CADAP serves regardless of religion, ethnicity, or age and supports particularly to those abandoned, disabled, and frail elderly people. CADAP accommodates also those non-elder people who require critical all-around support. So far, the association is funded by members and individual volunteers.
The beneficiaries are elderly and vulnerable people who often are abandoned and experiencing persistent sickness for a prolonged period of time. Support is provided in terms of shelter, food, and basic service including medical care.
Man City Addis On April 20, 2019 We made a 30000 ETH donation to a charity Association for the Destitute and Abandoned People(CADAP ). In Addition, a lot of our fans bring old clothes to the association. We spent quality time there. We fulfill our social responsibility.

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